Leadership Game

Everything Rises & Falls on Leadership

The Leadership Game helps organizations improve their leadership intelligence and increase their effectiveness. Why? “Because everything rises and falls on leadership,” says Maxwell. These leadership principles carry consequences with them. Apply the laws in your organization and people will follow you. Violate and ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others. But there’s news: every one of the laws can be learned.” How? Play the game with 6-12 of your most influential leaders and find out!

Why the Leadership Game?

The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game is a comprehensive game designed for team building and to help increase effectiveness and leadership awareness. It is based on the timeless principles from John Maxwell’s writings and fosters open, engaging discussions about their application within the organization.

The Leadership Game is a fun, yet challenging, experience designed to help you and your team better understand core leadership principles and values. It can be played with up to twelve team members. Recommended time is 2-3 hours, based on the size of the team.

What You & Your Team Will Experience

Team Building Using a Fun, Engaging Tool

The Leadership Game is a board game that allows everyone to gather around the table. It is the best team-building tool… ever!

Not a One-and-Done Event

The Game challenges your team members to embrace who they are as leaders and results in actionable next steps.

Open Sharing & Communication

Every question and discussion card is designed to trigger open, honest feedback about interpersonal and strategic business practices.

Stronger Relationships

Team members will learn to appreciate one another and forge stronger relationships, valuable for collaboration and effectiveness.

Host the Leadership Game for your team or organization! Let me know if you’d like to find out how!